Amendments and completions brought to Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code


Completions and amendments are brought to the corporate income tax rules, covering the fiscal treatment for specific operations following the implementation of IFRS 9 “Financial instruments” (entered into force starting with 2018).


The tax discount representing 5% of the personal income tax1 granted in 2018 for the submission of the Sole Tax Return2 via electronic means until 15 July 2018 decreases the tax on the annual net income/gain obtained by individuals and/ or the annual income tax, to be paid.

The tax discount granted for paying in advance the personal income tax shall be granted in amount of 5% of the annual estimated personal income tax declared through the Sole Tax Return and fully paid until 15 December 2018. The amount corresponding to the 5% tax discount decreases the tax on the estimated annual net income and/ or the tax on the estimated annual income, to be paid.


Discover more: Main amendments, completions and clarifications introduced in Romania

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