Further Queries

A video series by Skeppsbron Skatt, Taxand Sweden


An incentive program is useful for companies that want to reward their employees with something else than/in addition to regular salary, benefits, and cash bonuses. Any value or consideration paid from an incentive program is usually linked to continuous employment within the company during a certain vesting period. It may also be conditional upon various performance criteria or for an individual to make a private investment to participate.


Skeppsbron Skatt presents a series of 5 episodes examining what assistance that may be needed in an incentive program’s different phases, both for the employer and for the employees.In episode 3, Daniel Elander discusses the vesting period and questions that may arise for companies and participants during this phase. Watch the episode here.


You can also watch the previous films on the design and implementation phases here.

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Benefits | Employee | European | Sweden | Tax


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