BD BEYOND - Taxand's new BD Newsflash! 📰
Launching a new Business Development publication for Taxanders around the world.
Have you seen Taxand Global’s inaugural edition of BD BEYOND, a new internal publication focussed on Business Development?
Our newsflash features the latest BD news and initiatives, including examples of collaborative wins, information on global clients we are targeting, ways in which the Taxand Global team can support you in developing cross-border opportunities and much more!
Commenting in the launch issue of BD BEYOND, Frederic Donnedieu de Vabres, Taxand Global Chairman, said: “Business development is critical for all of us. To drive revenue and grow, we all need to proactively seek new connections whilst at the same time retaining and building upon existing relationships.
“Taxand provides us with the platform from which we can go beyond our own borders, taking to the international stage together we can offer more to our clients and potential clients.
“By sharing with each other examples of the initiatives we are taking and by celebrating our collaborative successes, we will continue to build momentum which sustains our growth.”
Read the first issue of BD BEYOND here. For BD queries and to contribute to future editions, contact Sophie Touzet, our Taxand Global team member in charge of Business Development.
Please note, BD BEYOND is for internal Taxand use only and should not be circulated outside of Taxand Global member firms.
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