

Taxand is pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar, hosted by Taxand India, Economic Laws Practice (ELP) – New Global Deal: A #Business Perspective, in collaboration with Taxsutra, taking place on 11 November at 5:30pm Indian Standard Time.


This panel discussion shall bring together Taxanders from across the world. Mr. Nishant Shah & Ms. Stella Joseph (Partners, ELP Taxand India), Mr. Frédéric Teper (Partner, Arsene Taxand France), Mr. Alon Kritzman (Senior Director, Alvarez & Marsal LLC Taxand US), & Mr. Alvaro de la Cueva (Partner, Garrigues Taxand Spain); who shall discuss, (1) their respective country perspectives on the proposed OECD framework, (2) the potential controversies, (3) the anticipated challenges for business and tax authorities and finally, (4) the opportunities for businesses to structure their operations. The discussion shall be moderated by Mr. Kazim Rizvi (Founder, The Dialogue India).
