A blend of nearly 400 Taxand clients and Taxanders from nearly 50 countries joined us to discuss topical tax issues, share expertise and enhance relationships. Taxanders from around the world joined onstage by key business leaders, guest speakers and clients to share their views and key pointers on the tax issues impacting global businesses today.

Key conference message

We are in the midst of a decade of tax tailoring, with government bodies, the general public, economic organisations and wider thought leaders providing opinion on the future of our global tax, and financial, landscape. As multinationals are required to measure up to new metrics – with increasing compliance/reporting burdens, reputational risk and media management requirements – Taxand provided specific actions to navigate these issues in the context of our ever-harmonising global economy. Taxand’s customary blend of bespoke client meetings and networking opportunities, provided a robust platform to share expertise particular to your business needs. Located in the heart of Europe and the fashion capital, we learned whether in the tax world, can one size really fit all?

Key conference pointers

Litigation is increasing – in number of cases, amounts in controversy, time to resolve.  Look for alternatives and be prepared.

Potential for inconsistent rules and inconsistent national rules or admin positions – with risks of double (or more) tax – can’t be understated

Authorities are becoming emboldened – translating into increasing challenges, particularly on comparables – is BEPS the way out?

Indirect tax
It’s never simple, it’s not intuitive, and it’s constantly changing – stay on top of the change, assume nothing, and get good local advice!

