Expert speakers include:


Experts from our Taxand member firms Atoz Tax Advisers, Taxand Luxembourg, Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Taxand Germany, Arsene Taxand, Taxand France and Arteo, Taxand Belgium will come together on Wednesday 5 July at 10:30 CET for a VAT briefing.

The event will be hosted in Luxembourg by our colleagues at ATOZ who will share updates on recent VAT developments from the first semester of this year that impact the Luxembourg market, with Taxand colleagues joining the discussion to share their experience and answer international questions.



  1. Company cars: New Circular n°807 bis
  2. VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal: Main future changes
  3. VAT and director fees: Take-aways from the public hearing
  4. Luxembourg VAT audits for active holding companies: Feedback from the practice.

The event will be in person at the offices of ATOZ and will also be streamed online.

Find out more and register