Taxand South Africa investigtes SARS’ recent release of the following binding private rulings (BPR), binding class ruling (BCR) and binding general ruling (BGR):


  • BPR 230: Disposal of an asset in terms of an asset-for-share transaction within 18 months of its acquisition in terms of an intra-group transaction
  • BPR 231: Corporate restructuring by way of asset-for-share and amalgamation transactions
  • BPR 232: Equity shares to be issued by resultant company as part of an amalgamation transaction
  • BPR 233: Transfer of a part of a business to a fellow subsidiary
  • BPR 234: Asset-for-share and unbundling transactions not regulated by sections 42 and 46
  • BPR 235: Income tax consequences for parties to an unbundling transactionBPR 235: Income tax consequences for parties to an unbundling transaction
  • BPR 236: Set-off of a loan account arising from an intra-group transaction to acquire equity shares
  • BPR 237: Reinstatement of a deregistered company to transfer immovable properties
  • BPR 240: TaxationBGR 34: Management of superannuation schemes: long-term insurers of parties to share index linked notes
  • BPR 241: Award received for a black economic empowerment training initiative
  • BCR 052: Income tax and securities transfer tax consequences for the shareholders of a listed company following an unbundling transaction
  • BGR 34: Management of superannuation schemes: long-term insurers

Discover more: Recent rulings

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Taxpayers in South Africa should take note of this update to ensure they remain compliant.

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