Taxand Philippines shares the latest updates to take note of with the following new issuances from the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

  • Revenue Regulations No. 10-2015 mandates the use of non-thermal paper for all CRM/POS and other invoice/receipt-generating machine/software
  • Revenue Memorandum Order No. 19-2015 prescribes the policies, guidelines, and procedures in the audit and investigation of tax returns
  • Revenue Memorandum Order No. 20-2015 provides the policies and guidelines in the issuance of Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN)
  • Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 58-2015 announces the availability of Electronic Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms (eBIR Forms) Package Version 5.1 and provides the step-by-step procedure of using the new version
  • Revenue Memorandum Circular 59-2015 announces the availability of Update of Exemption of Employees (UEE)

Discover more: Five new BIR issuances

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Taxand's Take

Multinationals with operations in the Philippines should take note of these updates in order to remain compliant.

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International Tax | Philippines


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